The Robinson Street Underpass Project from 500 feet west of Flood Avenue to 500 feet east of Stubbeman Avenue is a $26 million street improvement project approved by Norman voters as part of the 2005 Bond Election.
Work began on June 14 and, although the resulting traffic jams have occasionally been a hassle for many Norman drivers, the majority of people seem patient and supportive of the construtcion work.
Danny O'Hare, University of Oklahoma zoology major, lives on the west side of Norman and has had to drive through the construction zone all summer. However, he says that the construction does not bother him in the least - he thinks that the planned underpass next to the intersection at Robinson and Flood Avenue is a necessity which will make his future commutes much easier.
"I normally hate the construction in Norman - mainly because it seems to take forever and the traffic drives me crazy," O'Hare says. "This I don't mind though; I can't tell you how many times I have been late for class or an appointment because of a neverending train."
According to Norman's website, the work is scheduled for completion early next summer. Hopefully, citizens will still be just as understanding as they are now.